ID Finance, the first carbon neutral FinTech in Spain and Mexico.

Focused on Sustainability

Working responsibly for
a sustainable future.

Our objective is to grow our business while we reduce our environmental impact and increase our social impact.
We are a carbon neutral company
We are a company that actively collaborates with society
We seek the financial well-being of everyone through technology
  • Recognitions
  • Sustainability
ID Finance becomes Spain’s first carbon-neutral Fintech
16 July 2020
ID Finance becomes Spain's first carbon-neutral Fintech
  • News & Updates
  • Sustainability
This is how ID Finance compensates its carbon footprint
31 January 2022
This is how ID Finance compensates its carbon footprint
  • Recognitions
  • Sustainability
ID Finance becomes Spain’s first carbon-neutral Fintech
16 July 2020
ID Finance becomes Spain's first carbon-neutral Fintech

We measure our carbon footprint

We have measured the annual environmental impact of our activity in Spain and Mexico. This includes emissions from our offices as well as the trips we take.
Sustainability actions
We put great efforts so that our daily activity has the minimum environmental impact. We are collaborating on different projects that help offset the carbon emissions we generate.


We actively collaborate with society
We want to have a positive contribution to society to make it fairer and more inclusive. This is the reason why we participate in numerous projects that go beyond our business.


CSR Policy

We are a responsable company, that cares for people, environment and society. We are committed to contributing to sustainable develoment and run our business activity in an efficient, safe and responsible way from social, economic and environmental point of view.

We are committed to:

  • Comply with the law
  • Respect Human Rights
  • Respect the different interest groups
  • Follow the principle of accountability
  • Being transparent
  • Minimising environmental impact.

At ID Finance, we comply with a CSR management system, which is fully aligned with requirements of the international standard IQNet SR 10.

ID Finance GHG Declaration


ID Finance ESG Report 2023


Commitment of ID FINANCE to CSR


CSR Policy


Carbon Footprint Verification


Code of Ethics ID Finance Group

Responsible lending
We firmly believe responsible lending is critical to the long term viability of our business and we act in the interests of our clients, ensuring transparency of lending terms and conditions.
Providing loans that help rather than hinder
ID Finance does not use any aggressive credit policies or intrusive marketing techniques. Nor do we offer consumers credit that they do not need or cannot afford. We make sure our customers are well informed to make borrowing decisions.
Regulated lending
We engage proactively with national and supranational financial regulators to build a regulatory environment that is in the interests of both the companies and the consumers of financial services.

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