ID Finance launched the campaign “We Unite to Support You; You Stay at Home”. The main objective was to help people in a vulnerable situation that have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
This initiative was active from May to July and was structured in two stages:
Stage 1. Several donation programs were jointly established with the following food banks: Cerebro México, Morelos, Mana and Banati. This donation benefited 4,260 people in five different states: Veracruz, Puebla, Querétaro, Baja California and Morelos. ID Finance’s donations were distributed as follows:
May: Veracruz and Puebla. Food donations to 1,380 people from Xalapa, Veracruz and Teziutlán, Puebla.
June: Two donations were made, one in the state of Querétaro and the other one in Baja California. In Querétaro, local businesses helped by preparing 100 meals that were delivered to the “Casa Hogar San Pablo”. This way we also helped these local businesses that had struggled during the pandemic. In Tijuana, Baja California, food was distributed to 1,400 people in vulnerable situations.
July: In the municipalities of Yautepec and Emiliano Zapata in Morelos, food was donated to 1,380 people.
Stage 2. Employee voluntary contributions. Thanks to individual donations from employees, $ 13,890 was raised. This amount was doubled by ID Finance and was destined to buy food and basic supplies. This aid was distributed on September 5th and 6th to more than 650 people in vulnerable situations in the following parts of the city and the State of Mexico: Villa Milpa Alta, Milpa Alta; Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco; Habitacional La Romana, Tlalnepantla; El Centro, Tlalnepantla and; Santa María Tulpetlac, Ecatepec.