ID Finance, the first carbon neutral FinTech in Spain and Mexico.

ID Finance obtains COMPENSO certificate from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for a second time 

ID Finance obtains COMPENSO certificate from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for a second time ID Finance obtains COMPENSO certificate from the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge for a second time 

ID Finance revalidates its commitment to sustainability and, for the second consecutive year, receives certification from the registry of the Carbon Footprint, compensation and carbon dioxide absorption projects for its environmental commitment in 2022. 

This recognition, achieved for the second consecutive year (2022), underscores the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact. 

Through ongoing environmental leadership, ID Finance is solidifying its position as a sustainability frontrunner within the Spanish Fintech sector. 

Achieving Carbon Neutrality Through Reforestation 

ID Finance has successfully achieved carbon neutrality in 2022 by offsetting all greenhouse gas emissions generated by its operations. This remarkable feat was accomplished through participation in a 216-hectare reforestation project in Huelva, Spain. Devastated by a previous forest fire, this region is now undergoing revitalization with a rich tapestry of tree species, including eucalyptus, pine, holm oak, and native flora. The reforestation effort boasts an impressive density of 667 trees per hectare, planted with a ratio of 3 trees for every 5 employees. 

This impactful project boasts the collaboration of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), the Association of Huelva’s Forest Owners (APOM), and the support of the Junta de Andalucía regional government. 

Calculation and compensation 

The COMPENSO certification signifies ID Finance’s dedication to meticulous environmental practices. The company partnered with ECOTERRAE, a leading sustainability consultancy, to meticulously calculate its carbon footprint using the ISO 14064-1:2019 methodology (CALCULO certificate).  

This analysis revealed that employee travel (airplanes, trains, cars) is the primary contributor to emissions, followed by water, electricity, and waste from the Barcelona and Mexico offices. 

To address unavoidable emissions, ID Finance participated in the Huelva reforestation project, effectively achieving carbon neutrality and earning the COMPENSO certificate.  

Path towards a more sustainable future 

Sustainability is a cornerstone of ID Finance’s corporate philosophy. Since 2019, the company has actively championed various environmental initiatives across Spain and Mexico. These projects focus on ecosystem and biodiversity preservation, alongside significant CO2 capture efforts.  

In 2021, the company participated in three environmental initiatives, two of them in Spain and one in Mexico, obtaining the COMPENSO certification for the first time.  

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